
Johns Hopkins is a leader in the development and use of theranostics.  核医学与分子成像学部 has pioneered the development of 成像 and theranostic agents for prostate cancer. 

Our Center was the first in the State of Maryland to offer 117Lu-DOTATATE, with several hundred infusions performed to date.  As this field is rapidly evolving, new agents will become available.  本中心将持续采用,以确保安全, 有效管理各种癌症. 


开展, 由核医学产生的新兴领域, 是影像学和分子放疗的结合吗. Imaging, generally positron emission tomography (PET), is used to identify the tumor. The therapy in this case is a radiopharmaceutical – a radioactive drug that, 比如鉴定它的PET试剂, 专门针对癌症,同时保持大多数正常, 非靶组织. 与外部放射治疗不同, 分子放射治疗具有放射性, in the form of particles that are emitted from the radiopharmaceutical, 直接进入肿瘤.

The Center operates in close coordination with our partners in the Sidney Kimmel综合癌症中心. 我们目前最活跃的服务是实行 177Lu-DOTATATE,用于神经内分泌肿瘤患者. A 68Ga-DOTATATE PET scan is used to identify tumors that will concentrate the corresponding therapeutic (177Lu-DOTATATE). Having such tumors is one of the criteria to be a candidate for this therapy. We have found this therapy to be safe and well tolerated, with patients frequently relating an improved quality of life.

Lutetium lu177 vipivotide tetraxetan

就像Lutetium lu177, Lutetium lu177 vipivotide tetraxetan is administered by brief intravenous infusion on an outpatient basis. It is provided in up to six cycles of therapy, which are eight weeks apart. Pluvicto concentrates within prostate tumors that express the prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA). 相应的, candidates for this therapy must undergo a PSMA PET scan that shows that their tumor(s) concentrate the PET agent, which would be indication that they would also concentrate the corresponding radiotherapeutic. Pluvicto is well-tolerated, with few side effects, can provide relief from pain and may prolong life.



什么是治疗学? Dr. 马丁·博姆, Director of the Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging division at Johns Hopkins, describes the mechanisms of this groundbreaking 治疗 that combines 成像 and molecular radiotherapy. 用这种方法, radiopharmaceuticals can be specifically targeted at cancer while leaving most normal tissues alone. Find out more at the 核医学放射治疗中心.



Robert “Bob” Charnley’s carcinoid syndrome symptoms forced him to be homebound and despite multiple surgeries, 放弃他最喜欢的活动. 多方意见之后, Bob came to Johns Hopkins and was referred to the Department of 放射学 for a novel cancer therapy using theranostics. Watch Bob’s journey as molecular radiotherapy allows him to return to his everyday life and make a long awaited dream trip come true. Please note parts of this video were filmed before the COVID-19 pandemic.



Lilja Solnes MD MBA

  • 核医学和分子成像主任
  • Associate 放射学和放射学教授


A. Cahid Civelek博士

  • 核医学住院医师项目主任
  • 放射学和放射学教授
丹妮尔·里尔,B.S.CNMT, R.T.(N) (CT) (ARRT)




杰弗里·杨,B.S.CNMT, R.T.(CT) (ARRT)

